Is play relevant in times of adversity?

Tough times all around. Some participants on a recent programme I was running told stories of a senior manager telling them to stop laughing at the coffee machine — they were there to work — enjoying themselves and laughing are for in their free time. Is that right — especially during times of adversity?

Those colleagues of mine who are familiar with the Shackleton story of Antarctic exploration will know the importance he placed on fun and enjoyment as an antidote to their stressful and potentially fatal situation. Should play be part of what we bring to work? Are there times when indulging in a playful attitude and bringing that sense of fun and exploration to your work is essential? We believe bringing a playful spirit to our leadership development is an essential part of the development process (which does not mean forcing people to play!) and energises people — a key element of leadership.

See what Dr Stuart Brown has found about play  – and consider would it assist you to bring more playfulness to your day, for your own benefit and for those around you.

I’d be keen on your thoughts.

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