How should you treat others?

Our team were running development centres with a client organisation over these past two weeks, seeing a host of managers in operation over a number of activities. One of the managers, as nice a guy as you will find anywhere, but not necessarily a fully rounded manager, commented after a difficult task ‘You just need … Read more

Jonny Wilkinson, managers and calm energy

Jonny Wilkinson, an icon, admired by the rugby community in many parts of the world, adored in Southern France and a hero in England, plays his last game in England today. Fittingly it is the European final to decide the Champions of Europe. Aside from his rugby capabilities, Jonny is known for his humility, modesty, … Read more

Adding value – by keeping out of the way!

I must confess to being bemused. I have just been reading an article about a new leadership approach in this month’s Harvard Business Review. The article’s authors advocate that their research suggests that managers’ operate at levels below them, asking for constant updates, decisions to be referred to them etc – all demonstrating a lack of trust … Read more

Myers Briggs – Step 3

Myers Briggs Type Indicator The Swiss Psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung had a theory of ‘psychological types’, the heart of which states that what may seem like random variations in people’s behaviour are actually quite orderly and consistent depending upon the way people access aspects of their personalities. He was particularly interested in how people … Read more

Energising change – how equipped are they?

We are running a session later this week for one of our favourite groups of people as part of a high potential talent programme. The topic for this element is energising change and we will cover a range of thoughts and approaches. One specific we will touch on is how ready are people for change? … Read more


Back in the 1990’s this formula, hypothesising that to survive and prosper the rate of learning in an organisation needs to be greater than the rate of change, was accepted wisdom and led to the concept of ‘the Learning organisation’. The pace of change has increased exponentially since then and many household names across the globe no … Read more

Pause to make a good footprint!

Our business is called ‘Your Leadership Footprint’ as all of what we do is about helping our clients make an impact, an imprint on the world, leaving their mark, an appropriate mark. Whilst you may or may not make a conscious choice regarding what footprint to make, you will make a mark regardless. The question … Read more

Focus, calm and clarity

In the past few weeks many of my conversations with coaching clients and those on leadership events – and with colleagues, have focussed on sleep – or rather a lack of it. Pressures, stresses and waking up at 3am with minds full of things. At the same time I saw one of the Rugby League Super League teams, … Read more