Leadership – small simple actions make a huge difference

A number of years ago companies realised that dealing with customers meant using ‘moments of truth’ well. These were essentially emotional exchanges where the organisation could impact the emotions of a customer in a positive and predictable way. The same ‘moments of truth’ frequently happen with those we work with. Most managers and leaders appreciate this when they are thinking clearly. This clear thinking is often lost when

  • caught up in the daily battle of adversarial presentations pitching for internal resources,
  • focussing on targets to achieve, (look at the recent Goldman publicity from an over emphasis on this!)
  • predictions and projections and growth figures to placate others,
  • monitoring ‘heads and seats’ (euphemisms for people)

At the same time the academics and consultancies peddle the importance of vision or mission statements, and showing your human side at the town hall so that you come across as ‘one of us’. In this busy action oriented world,  it sometimes gets forgotten – that leadership is often measured on the receiving end by small acts you take, especially when the recipient is under pressure. Moments that may not even register with you. It can be small simple things that have the real impact and are remembered.

Take six minutes from your busy schedule to listen to Drew Dudley recount his tale at Ted Talks (click below to play) and consider how much impact you inadvertently make on others – and how powerful small actions and genuine gestures can be. How much more can we contribute if we can do all the target driven stuff that is demanded of us and demonstrate leadership.  We would contend that you can exhibit ‘leadership’ and make a difference to people from most positions in an organisation. We would also contend that if you are in a senior position but ignore your impact, you really shouldn’t claim to be a leader.

What small things can you do to energise and excite those that you work with, whether they report to you or not?



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