We offer a bespoke package of coaching to suit location and need, including some or all of the following:
Face to face coaching sessions
- Virtual coaching sessions
- A mix of both of the above
Aided by
- Psychometrics for greater personal understanding
- Telephone coaching and ad hoc calls
- Shadowing or accompanying visits
- Qualitative 360 review on personal impact
Our clients usually want to bring about some changes over time in the way they operate, which still suits their personality and fits with their values. Usually our packages last for around nine months, although sometimes we work on a more intense programme where adaptations need to take place over just a few months. We are constantly aware of the need to build capability without creating a dependence upon the coach.
Coaching for us is about creating a ‘safe space’ for clients, in order to mobilise their thinking or actions. They are often trying to resolve day to day issues, through developing their strategic self-awareness and awareness of others, as well as thinking for the future and with the bigger picture in mind. This ‘both and’ approach means a constant flow of diagnosis, consideration, experiementation, reflection.
We encourage our clients to be the best version of themselves they can – and to draw the best from others.